Mary Hayley Bell


Is Mary Hayley Bell Dead or Still Alive? Mary Hayley Bell Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Hayley Bell

Mary Hayley Bell Death

Mary passed away on December 1, 2005 at the age of 94 in Denham, Buckinghamshire, England, UK.

Mary Hayley Bell death quick facts:
  • When did Mary Hayley Bell die?

    December 1, 2005
  • How old was Mary Hayley Bell when died?

  • Where did Mary Hayley Bell die? What was the location of death?

    Denham, Buckinghamshire, England, UK

Mary Hayley Bell Birthday and Date of Death

Mary Hayley Bell was born on January 22, 1911 and died on December 1, 2005. Mary was 94 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 22, 1911
Date of Death: December 1, 2005
Age at Death: 94

Mary Hayley Bell - Biography

Mary Hayley Bell, Lady Mills (22 January 1911 – 1 December 2005) was an English actress and writer, married for 64 years to actor Sir John Mills. Her novel Whistle Down the Wind was adapted as a film, starring her teenage daughter, actress Hayley Mills.