Ruby Starr Death
Ruby passed away on January 14, 1995 at the age of 45 in Toledo, Ohio, USA.
When did Ruby Starr die?
January 14, 1995How old was Ruby Starr when died?
45Where did Ruby Starr die? What was the location of death?
Toledo, Ohio, USA
Ruby Starr Birthday and Date of Death
Ruby Starr was born on November 30, 1949 and died on January 14, 1995. Ruby was 45 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: November 30, 1949
Date of Death: January 14, 1995
Age at Death: 45
Ruby Starr - Biography
Ruby Starr, born Constance Henrietta Mierzwiak in Toledo, Ohio (November 30, 1949 - January 14, 1995), was a rock singer and recording artist who attained national prominence in the 1970s and 1980s, most notably for her work with Black Oak Arkansas..
She joined the band Ruby Jones in 1969. In 1971 they were signed to Curtom Records and recorded their first album, Ruby Jones. Shortly after that album's release, Black Oak Arkansas lead vocalist Jim "Dandy" Mangrum was partying after a concert in Evansville, Indiana at a club called the Golden Record, where she was performing. He asked her on the spot to join the band. At this point she assumed the stage name of Ruby Starr.
Starr toured with Black Oak Arkansas for several years at the height of their success. She was featured in their 1973 Top 30 single "Jim Dandy". In 1974, she began touring on her own again as Ruby Starr & Grey Ghost (members: Gary Levin, Marius Penczner, David Mayo and Joel Williams) and released an eponymous album in 1975, on Capitol Records. Her second album, Scene Stealer, also on Capitol Records, was released in 1976. During this time she continued to open for Black Oak Arkansas and other acts such as Black Sabbath and Edgar Winter. Starr also toured with Blackfoot from 1977 to 1978. Her third and last album for Capitol, Smoky Places, was released in 1977.
By the late 1970s, Starr had made Milwaukee her home town and was a popular act in clubs in the region. By the early 1980s, Starr had formed a new band called "Grey Star" by joining with a band that performed in and around Mayville, Wisconsin called "Lucy Grey", featuring Dave "Mud Slide" Gruenewaldt on the drums. They issued several recordings which included 1981's Grey Star and 1983's Telephone Sex. Starr formed her final road band, "Henrietta Kahn", in the late 1980s.
After being diagnosed with lung cancer and a brain tumor, Starr returned home to her family in Toledo where she died at age 45. After her death, several archival releases that featured Starr were issued, including the live Black Oak Arkansas recording, Live On The King Biscuit Flower Hour 1976, and a reissue of Ruby Jones's debut album, retitled as Stone Junkie. The song "Ruby", by Raging Slab, is in memory of her.