Anne Deveson Death
Anne passed away on December 12, 2016 at the age of 86 in Sydney, Australia.
When did Anne Deveson die?
December 12, 2016How old was Anne Deveson when died?
86Where did Anne Deveson die? What was the location of death?
Sydney, Australia
Anne Deveson Birthday and Date of Death
Anne Deveson was born on June 19, 1930 and died on December 12, 2016. Anne was 86 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: June 19, 1930
Date of Death: December 12, 2016
Age at Death: 86
Anne Deveson - Biography
Anne Barbara Deveson AO (born 19 June 1930, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya) is an Australian writer, broadcaster, filmmaker and social commentator.
Deveson was known to many Australians as "the Omo lady" after appearing in television commercials for that brand of soap powder. Later in her career, she held a number of leadership positions in the industry: she chaired the South Australian Film Corporation from 1984 to 1987 and from 1985–88, she was Executive Director of the Australian Film, Television and Radio School.
Deveson wrote about her experiences with her son's illness and death in Tell Me I'm Here, which won the 1991 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission for non-fiction writing, and then translated her work into the documentary film Spinning Out. Simon Champ, SANE Australia Ambassador featured in this documentary. His pioneering work with Anne Deveson to bring the experience of Schizophrenia to the mainstream arena of mental health services dates from this collaboration and his meeting with Anne Deveson at a public event in which he stood up our of the audience to give voice to the experience of Schizophrenia. This work has had the effect of reducing stigma in Australia regarding this mental health issue.
Deveson was married to broadcaster Ellis Blain for twenty years. The couple had three children: a daughter, the writer Georgia Blain (1964–2016), and two sons. Following Ellis Blain's death in 1979, she had a long-term relationship with economist Robert Theobald.
Deveson was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2014. She died on 12 December 2016, three days after the death of her daughter Georgia Blain.