Christine Noonan


Is Christine Noonan Dead or Still Alive? Christine Noonan Birthday and Date of Death

Christine Noonan

Christine Noonan Death

Christine Noonan passed away in 2003 at the age of 58.

Christine Noonan death quick facts:
  • When did Christine Noonan die?

  • How old was Christine Noonan when died?


Christine Noonan Birthday and Date of Death

Christine Noonan was born in 1945 and died in 2003. Christine Noonan was 58 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1945
Date of Death: 2003
Age at Death: 58

Christine Noonan - Biography

Christine Noonan (born Christine Elizabeth Wright; 8 March 1945 – 6 August 2003) was a British actress. She is best known for her role as the love interest of Malcolm McDowell and anarchist in the 1968 film if..... In one scene, which gained particular notoriety in British cinema of the period, she impersonated a tiger and had sexual intercourse with McDowell's character Mick Travis on the floor of a cafe, which with the later violence in the film led to an X rating, leading Paramount to later cut the sexual content from the film. Noonan has said of the infamous scene in the film: "He was stark naked and I was stark naked, but we were both so busy fighting that I can't remember what he looked like in the nude". Her husband initially protested when he learned of the nature of the role, but he agreed to her acting in it once she explained the point of the film and the context.