Cobina Wright Sr. Death
Cobina passed away on April 9, 1970 at the age of 82 in Beverly Hills California. Cobina's cause of death was natural cause.
Cobina Wright Sr. death quick facts:
When did Cobina Wright Sr. die?
April 9, 1970How did Cobina Wright Sr. die? What was the cause of death?
Natural causeHow old was Cobina Wright Sr. when died?
82Where did Cobina Wright Sr. die? What was the location of death?
Beverly Hills California
Cobina Wright Sr. Birthday and Date of Death
Cobina Wright Sr. was born on September 20, 1887 and died on April 9, 1970. Cobina was 82 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: September 20, 1887
Date of Death: April 9, 1970
Age at Death: 82
Is Cobina Wright Sr.'s father, Benjamin M. Cobb, dead or alive?
Benjamin M. Cobb's information is not available now.
Is Cobina Wright Sr.'s mother, Della Holmes, dead or alive?
Della Holmes's information is not available now.
Cobina Wright Sr. - Biography
Cobina Wright was an American opera singer and actress who appeared in The Razor's Edge. She gained later fame as a hostess and a syndicated gossip columnist. Wright was also known as Esther Cobb, Esther Johnson, and Esther Cobina.