Danny Sugerman


Is Danny Sugerman Dead or Still Alive? Danny Sugerman Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Sugerman

Danny Sugerman Death

Danny passed away on January 5, 2005 at the age of 50 in West Hollywood, California, USA.

Danny Sugerman death quick facts:
  • When did Danny Sugerman die?

    January 5, 2005
  • How old was Danny Sugerman when died?

  • Where did Danny Sugerman die? What was the location of death?

    West Hollywood, California, USA

Danny Sugerman Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Sugerman was born on October 11, 1954 and died on January 5, 2005. Danny was 50 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 11, 1954
Date of Death: January 5, 2005
Age at Death: 50

Danny Sugerman - Biography

Daniel Stephen "Danny" Sugerman (October 11, 1954 – January 5, 2005) was the second manager of the Los Angeles-based rock band The Doors, and wrote several books about Jim Morrison and The Doors, including No One Here Gets Out Alive (co-authored with Jerry Hopkins), and the autobiography Wonderland Avenue. Sugerman began working with The Doors when he was 12 years old, starting out answering their fan mail. By the age of 17, Sugerman replaced the original Doors manager, Bill Siddons, shortly after Morrison's death in 1971.