Denis Goodwin


Is Denis Goodwin Dead or Still Alive? Denis Goodwin Birthday and Date of Death

Denis Goodwin

Denis Goodwin Death

Denis passed away on February 26, 1975 at the age of 45. Denis's cause of death was suicide.

Denis Goodwin death quick facts:
  • When did Denis Goodwin die?

    February 26, 1975
  • How did Denis Goodwin die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Denis Goodwin when died?


Denis Goodwin Birthday and Date of Death

Denis Goodwin was born on July 19, 1929 and died on February 26, 1975. Denis was 45 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 19, 1929
Date of Death: February 26, 1975
Age at Death: 45

Denis Goodwin - Biography

Denis Goodwin (19 July 1929 – 26 February 1975) was a radio and television comedy scriptwriter and actor, best known for his writing partnership with Bob Monkhouse, with whom he also compèred the Smash Hits programme on Radio Luxembourg.
Goodwin and Monkhouse wrote scripts for comedians such as Derek Roy, Ted Ray and Arthur Askey. Eventually they were given their own television series, Fast and Loose (1954), which they co-wrote and in which they both appeared. However, Goodwin lacked Monkhouse's talent for improvisation and was less assured as a performer.

He was married twice: his first marriage was to Barbara (1956) with whom they had two children — Jeremy (1958) and Suki (1960). They divorced in 1967 and in 1971 he married Jane Cappleman.
In 1975, Goodwin committed suicide by means of an overdose of sleeping tablets, aged 45.