Farid Al Atrache Death
Farid passed away on December 26, 1974 at the age of 59 in Beirut, Lebanon. Farid's cause of death was heart problems.
Farid Al Atrache death quick facts:
When did Farid Al Atrache die?
December 26, 1974How did Farid Al Atrache die? What was the cause of death?
Heart problemsHow old was Farid Al Atrache when died?
59Where did Farid Al Atrache die? What was the location of death?
Beirut, Lebanon
Farid Al Atrache Birthday and Date of Death
Farid Al Atrache was born on October 19, 1915 and died on December 26, 1974. Farid was 59 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: October 19, 1915
Date of Death: December 26, 1974
Age at Death: 59
Farid Al Atrache - Biography
Farid Al Atrache was an Egyptian musician, actor who was born on October 19, 1915.