Gertrud Kolmar Death
Gertrud passed away on March 2, 1943 at the age of 48 in Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Gertrud's cause of death was gassed.
When did Gertrud Kolmar die?
March 2, 1943How did Gertrud Kolmar die? What was the cause of death?
GassedHow old was Gertrud Kolmar when died?
48Where did Gertrud Kolmar die? What was the location of death?
Auschwitz Concentration Camp
Gertrud Kolmar Birthday and Date of Death
Gertrud Kolmar was born on December 10, 1894 and died on March 2, 1943. Gertrud was 48 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 10, 1894
Date of Death: March 2, 1943
Age at Death: 48
Is Gertrud Kolmar's father, Ludwig Chodziesner, dead or alive?
Ludwig Chodziesner's information is not available now.
Is Gertrud Kolmar's mother, Elise Chodziesner, dead or alive?
Elise Chodziesner's information is not available now.
Gertrud Kolmar - Biography
Gertrud Käthe Chodziesner, known by the literary pseudonym Gertrud Kolmar, was a German lyric poet and writer. She was born in Berlin and died, after her arrest and deportation as a Jew, in Auschwitz, a victim of the Nazi Final Solution. Though she was a cousin of Walter Benjamin, little is known of her life. She is considered one of the finest poets in the German language.