John Mayall


Is John Mayall Dead or Still Alive? John Mayall Birthday and Age

John Mayall

How Old Is John Mayall? John Mayall Birthday

John Mayall was born on November 29, 1933 and is 91 years old now.

Birthday: November 29, 1933
How Old - Age: 91

John Mayall Death Fact Check

John is alive and kicking and is currently 91 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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John Mayall - Biography

John Mayall, OBE (born 29 November 1933) is an English blues singer, guitarist, organist and songwriter, whose musical career spans over fifty years. In the 1960s, he was the founder of John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers, a band which has counted among its members some of the most famous blues and blues rock musicians. They include Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Jack Bruce, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Mick Taylor, Don "Sugarcane" Harris, Harvey Mandel, Larry Taylor, Aynsley Dunbar, Hughie Flint, Jon Hiseman, Dick Heckstall-Smith, Andy Fraser, Johnny Almond, Walter Trout, Coco Montoya and Buddy Whittington.