Josef Mengele


Is Josef Mengele Dead or Still Alive? Josef Mengele Birthday and Date of Death

Josef Mengele

Josef Mengele Death

Josef passed away on February 7, 1979 at the age of 67 in Bertioga, Brazil. Josef's cause of death was drowning due to massive stroke.

Josef Mengele death quick facts:
  • When did Josef Mengele die?

    February 7, 1979
  • How did Josef Mengele die? What was the cause of death?

    Drowning due to massive stroke
  • How old was Josef Mengele when died?

  • Where did Josef Mengele die? What was the location of death?

    Bertioga, Brazil

Josef Mengele Birthday and Date of Death

Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 and died on February 7, 1979. Josef was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 16, 1911
Date of Death: February 7, 1979
Age at Death: 67

Is Josef Mengele's father, Karl, dead or alive?

Karl's information is not available now.

Is Josef Mengele's mother, Walburga, dead or alive?

Walburga's information is not available now.

Josef Mengele - Biography

Josef Mengele was a German Schutzstaffel officer and physician in Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. Mengele was a notorious member of the team of doctors responsible for the selection of victims to be killed in the gas chambers and for performing deadly human experiments on prisoners. Arrivals deemed able to work were admitted into the camp, and those deemed unfit for labor were immediately killed in the gas chambers. Mengele left Auschwitz on 17 January 1945, shortly before the arrival of the liberating Red Army troops. After the war, he fled to South America, where he evaded capture for the rest of his life.