Kiyoshi Inoue


Is Kiyoshi Inoue Dead or Still Alive? Kiyoshi Inoue Birthday and Date of Death

Kiyoshi Inoue

Kiyoshi Inoue Death

Kiyoshi passed away on November 23, 2001 at the age of 87 in Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.

Kiyoshi Inoue death quick facts:
  • When did Kiyoshi Inoue die?

    November 23, 2001
  • How old was Kiyoshi Inoue when died?

  • Where did Kiyoshi Inoue die? What was the location of death?

    Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

Kiyoshi Inoue Birthday and Date of Death

Kiyoshi Inoue was born on December 19, 1913 and died on November 23, 2001. Kiyoshi was 87 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 19, 1913
Date of Death: November 23, 2001
Age at Death: 87

Kiyoshi Inoue - Biography

Kiyoshi Inoue (井上 清, Inoue Kiyoshi, December 19, 1913 - November 23, 2001) was a Japanese academic, historian, author and professor emeritus of the Kyoto University. He was considered a specialist in modern Japanese history. He was also known as a "progressive historian" and a "Marxist historian."