Neil Colville


Is Neil Colville Dead or Still Alive? Neil Colville Birthday and Date of Death

Neil Colville

Neil Colville Death

Neil passed away on December 26, 1987 at the age of 73.

Neil Colville death quick facts:
  • When did Neil Colville die?

    December 26, 1987
  • How old was Neil Colville when died?


Neil Colville Birthday and Date of Death

Neil Colville was born on August 4, 1914 and died on December 26, 1987. Neil was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 4, 1914
Date of Death: December 26, 1987
Age at Death: 73

Neil Colville's brother :

  • Neil Colville's brother, Mac Colville, died on May 27, 2003 as he was 87 years old.

Neil Colville - Biography

Neil McNeil Colville (August 4, 1914 – December 26, 1987) was a professional ice hockey player. Born in Edmonton, Alberta, he played for the New York Rangers in the National Hockey League with his brother Mac, winning the Stanley Cup in 1940.