Rosemary Kirkcaldy


Is Rosemary Kirkcaldy Dead or Still Alive? Rosemary Kirkcaldy Birthday and Date of Death

Rosemary Kirkcaldy

Rosemary Kirkcaldy Death

Rosemary passed away on July 25, 2002 at the age of 73.

Rosemary Kirkcaldy death quick facts:
  • When did Rosemary Kirkcaldy die?

    July 25, 2002
  • How old was Rosemary Kirkcaldy when died?


Rosemary Kirkcaldy Birthday and Date of Death

Rosemary Kirkcaldy was born on January 1, 1929 and died on July 25, 2002. Rosemary was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 1, 1929
Date of Death: July 25, 2002
Age at Death: 73

Rosemary Kirkcaldy - Biography

Rosemary Ackland, who has died aged 73, was the wife of the actor Joss Ackland for more than 50 years, and a woman of unusual tenacity and courage.Herself a gifted actress, Rosemary Ackland's ambitions in that direction had to be abandoned after she narrowly escaped with her life during a house fire in 1963; this incident, during which she rescued the couple's five young children, left her severely injured, and she thereafter devoted herself to her family.She was born Rosemary Jean Kirkcaldy on January 15 1929 at Blantyre in Nyasaland (now Malawi), where her grandmother, Louisa Stratton, ran the famous hotel, Ryall's, which became known as "the best hotel north of the Zambezi". At the age of eight, Rosemary was sent to board at a convent at Harare; the school was a three-day train journey from Blantyre, which Rosemary undertook unaccompanied.All her school holidays were spent at Ryall's with her grandmother. In adulthood Rosemary Ackland recalled: "I spent a good deal of time when I was young following Granny around the hotel. I would walk up and down the stairs with her as she checked the rooms, seeing that the sheets were tucked in properly and the soaps clean.We collected all the used bars of soap and melted them down in an old petrol tin, then re-formed them into new bars with a stamp on them . . . Evening dress was always worn at the Christmas dinners. She put me to bed at 7 pm on Christmas night and woke me up at 11 pm."I was then given a lovely costume to wear, and was allowed to go into the dining room and hand out favours to the diners. Granny used a wind-up gramophone and she had records of Gracie Fields singing Sally and Little Old Lady."Rosemary went on to Cape Town University, where she studied first Medicine, then switched to Ballet and Drama; among her contemporaries was Nigel Hawthorne. Deciding to pursue an acting career, she travelled to England, where her first job was riding an elephant in a circus. She soon secured a part, which she played for a year, in Charley's Aunt, at the Piccadilly theatre.By 1951 Rosemary Kirkcaldy was playing the lead in J M Barrie's Mary Rose at Pitlochry; opposite her, as Simon, was the young Joss Ackland. As in the play, so in life: they fell in love, despite the fact that Rosemary was engaged to a South African who owned hotels in Switzerland. She chose Ackland, and married him later that year.At first, times were hard (Ackland had had to borrow 7 s from his bride to buy the wedding ring). Ackland was in the early stages of his career, and money was short. They soon had two young children, and at one point were living at Maidenhead in a converted horsebox while Ackland dug potatoes by day and performed in rep at Windsor by night.In 1954 they decided to try their luck in Africa, and embarked on a seven-week voyage by cargo boat to Beira, then travelled by train to Nyasaland, where Ackland found work as field assistant on a tea plantation at the foot of M'lanje mountain.After six months they moved to South Africa to find theatre work, spending two years at Cape Town and a further six months at Johannesburg. But in 1957, after the police raided their flat and confiscated the children's story Black Beauty (on the presumption that it was subversive of apartheid), they returned to Britain.It was now that Joss Ackland's career began to take off, and the couple bought a house in Barnes, south-west London. In 1963, while Ackland was playing the lead in Galileo at the Mermaid theatre, an electrical fault started a fire in the house as Rosemary Ackland and their five children slept.With her clothes alight, Rosemary Ackland fought her way upstairs through the flames and threw her children, one by one, from a window into the garden, where they were caught by her neighbours. She then jumped 25 ft to the ground, breaking her back.At the hospital she refused painkilling drugs, since she was pregnant with her sixth child. Joss Ackland was told that she was not expected to live; then that she would never walk. In the event, she not only kept the baby; she also walked out of Stoke Mandeville Hospital in calipers 18 months later - the only person to have sustained those injuries to have accomplished this.Rosemary Ackland subsequently walked with a limp, and decided she must give up acting. But she accepted this disappointment philosophically, and threw herself into the role of a cheerful and indefatigable hostess, entertaining the Acklands' wide circle of distinguished friends. She would often, in the morning, invite as many as 35 people for dinner that same night.In 1982, after the Acklands' elder son died from a heroin overdose, Rosemary Ackland responded by helping to organise a network of groups to promote awareness among parents about the dangers of drugs. She remained involved with this work for the rest of her life.Rosemary Ackland was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in 2000, but never lost her capacity for enjoying life. She accompanied her husband on location in Moscow, Toronto and Nova Scotia, and, latterly took up painting, producing some 300 watercolours and crayons. She died on July 25.She is survived by her husband and by one son and five daughters.