Tôru Takemitsu


Is Tôru Takemitsu Dead or Still Alive? Tôru Takemitsu Birthday and Date of Death

Tôru Takemitsu

Tôru Takemitsu Death

Tôru passed away on February 20, 1996 at the age of 65 in Minato, Tokyo, Japan.

Tôru Takemitsu death quick facts:
  • When did Tôru Takemitsu die?

    February 20, 1996
  • How old was Tôru Takemitsu when died?

  • Where did Tôru Takemitsu die? What was the location of death?

    Minato, Tokyo, Japan

Tôru Takemitsu Birthday and Date of Death

Tôru Takemitsu was born on October 8, 1930 and died on February 20, 1996. Tôru was 65 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 8, 1930
Date of Death: February 20, 1996
Age at Death: 65

Tôru Takemitsu - Biography

Toru Takemitsu (武満 徹, Takemitsu Tōru, October 8, 1930 – February 20, 1996) was a Japanese composer and writer on aesthetics and music theory. Largely self-taught, Takemitsu possessed consummate skill in the subtle manipulation of instrumental and orchestral timbre. He is famed for combining elements of oriental and occident philosophy to create a sound uniquely his own, and for fusing opposites together such as sound with silence and tradition with innovation.