Adriano Moraes


Is Adriano Moraes Dead or Still Alive? Adriano Moraes Birthday and Age

Adriano Moraes

How Old Is Adriano Moraes? Adriano Moraes Birthday

Adriano Moraes was born on April 20, 1970 and is 54 years old now.

Birthday: April 20, 1970
How Old - Age: 54

Adriano Moraes Death Fact Check

Adriano is alive and kicking and is currently 54 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Adriano Moraes - Biography

Adriano Silva Moraes (born April 20, 1970 in Quintana, São Paulo, Brazil) is a Brazilian retired rodeo athlete specializing in bull riding. He had been one of the leading bull riders in the world since the mid-1990s, with two titles at the National Finals Rodeo (NFR) and three Professional Bull Riders (PBR) world titles to his credit.
Morães began his career at small rodeos throughout Brazil, eventually becoming a regular winner on that circuit. After being encouraged by a former PRCA bull riding world champion, Charles Sampson, he set a goal of riding full-time in the United States. After winning Brazilian national titles in 1992 and 1993, he moved to the United States in 1994, riding on the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA), Bull Riders Only (BRO) and Professional Bull Riders (PBR) circuits.

Morães' overall PBR career earnings at career's end total nearly $3.5 million. In 2011, he received the ultimate honour from the PBR Heroes and Legends Celebration: the Ring of Honour. In 2018, Moraes was inducted into the Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame.
Morães and his wife Flávia, married since 1989, have four children (Víctor, Jeremías, António, Pedro) and currently have homes in Tyler, Texas and Cachoeira Paulista. A devout Catholic who lists his favorite book as the Bible and the late Pope John Paul II as a personal idol, he is also a member of the Cancão Nova missionary community in Brazil. He and his wife opened a Canção Nova mission in Texas.
He chose to ride only half of the 1998 PBR season in order to participate in a religious mission in Brazil, but nonetheless finished fourteenth in that year's PBR standings, despite suffering another broken leg in the middle of the season.