Al Jordan


Is Al Jordan Dead or Still Alive? Al Jordan Birthday and Date of Death

Al Jordan

Al Jordan Death

Al passed away on May 7, 2009 at the age of 80 in Vancouver, Canada.

Al Jordan death quick facts:
  • When did Al Jordan die?

    May 7, 2009
  • How old was Al Jordan when died?

  • Where did Al Jordan die? What was the location of death?

    Vancouver, Canada

Al Jordan Birthday and Date of Death

Al Jordan was born on September 21, 1928 and died on May 7, 2009. Al was 80 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 21, 1928
Date of Death: May 7, 2009
Age at Death: 80

Al Jordan - Biography

RIP September 21, 1928 - May 07, 2009Al "Pappy" Jordan - CKWX Vancouver 1951; production director CJOR Vancouver to 1954 and host Theme for Teens program CJOR 1953-54; CKOK Penticton 1954-56; helped launch CHBC-TV Kelowna 1957-59; ‘Good Guy’ / morning host C-FUN Vancouver 1960s; production CJOR 1970s; one of Vancouver’s best commercial voices. 1953 There was a radio show for Vancouver teens in 1953 called “Theme for Teens,” an hour-long show on CJOR hosted by Al Jordan. Jordan played the standard hits of the day and invited listeners down to the studio to take part in the show. He also accepted phone calls. I got enough nerve one day to call him and impersonate actor James Stewart. Stewart was in town at the time and I thought it would be great fun to phone Jordan's radio show and spoof him. I must have done a convincing job because Jordan put me on the air and thought I really was James Stewart. I forget how the dialogue went but I do remember it was brief and I hung up quickly. It was a few weeks before I could work up nerve enough to call his program again. This time I called in the voice of actor Peter Lorre. This time it clicked with Jordan that someone was doing impressions and he stopped me midway through my call and asked who I was. I identified myself and he invited me down to the show. Prior to this I had been collecting every magazine available on recording artists and deejays and decided to create an interesting "show business" name for myself. There were two reasons: one, to create a name people would remember and two, to hide my identity from my school pals if and when I ever made it behind a microphone. I chose “Red” Robinson because of my hair—and it's significant that the initials were also the initials of the new music form. I visited the Al Jordan Show after school one day and stayed on to join in the fun each afternoon. I created a daily skit called “Rod Gat,” a parody on the then current Mike Hammer books. The mail this skit drew was unbelievable, and all the while Jordan was taking time to show me the ropes in radio. He eventually allowed me to take over the controls and engineer his program for him. From Red Robinson.(