Alan Hale


Is Alan Hale Dead or Still Alive? Alan Hale Birthday and Date of Death

Alan Hale

Alan Hale Death

Alan passed away on January 2, 1990 at the age of 68.

Alan Hale death quick facts:
  • When did Alan Hale die?

    January 2, 1990
  • How old was Alan Hale when died?


Alan Hale Birthday and Date of Death

Alan Hale was born on March 8, 1921 and died on January 2, 1990. Alan was 68 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 8, 1921
Date of Death: January 2, 1990
Age at Death: 68

Alan Hale - Biography

Alan Hale Jr. (I) (1921–1990)Actor | SoundtrackThe son of the great character actor (and Errol Flynn sidekick) Alan Hale, Alan Hale Jr. (he dropped the Jr. after his father passed away) was literally born into the movies. Hale did his first movie as a baby and continued to act until his death. Unlike other child actors, Hale made a smooth transition in the movies and starred in by Hal EricksonOne look at Alan Hale Jr. and no one could ever assume he was adopted; Hale Jr. so closely resembled his father, veteran character actor Alan Hale Sr., that at times it appeared that the older fellow had returned to the land of the living. In films from 1933, Alan Jr. was originally cast in beefy, athletic good-guy roles (at 6'3", he could hardly play hen-pecked husbands). After the death of his father in 1950, Alan dropped the "Junior" from his professional name. He starred in a brace of TV action series, Biff Baker USA (1953) and Casey Jones (1957), before his he-man image melted into comedy parts. From 1964 through 1967, Hale played The Skipper (aka Jonas Grumby) on the low-brow but high-rated Gilligan's Island. Though he worked steadily after Gilligan's cancellation, he found that the blustery, slow-burning Skipper had typed him to the extent that he lost more roles than he won. In his last two decades, Alan Hale supplemented his acting income as the owner of a successful West Hollywood restaurant, the Lobster Barrel.