Arto Paasilinna


Is Arto Paasilinna Dead or Still Alive? Arto Paasilinna Birthday and Date of Death

Arto Paasilinna

Arto Paasilinna Death

Arto passed away on October 15, 2018 at the age of 76 in Espoo, Finland.

Arto Paasilinna death quick facts:
  • When did Arto Paasilinna die?

    October 15, 2018
  • How old was Arto Paasilinna when died?

  • Where did Arto Paasilinna die? What was the location of death?

    Espoo, Finland

Arto Paasilinna Birthday and Date of Death

Arto Paasilinna was born on April 24, 1942 and died on October 15, 2018. Arto was 76 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 24, 1942
Date of Death: October 15, 2018
Age at Death: 76

Arto Paasilinna - Biography

Arto Tapio Paasilinna (born 20 April 1942 in Kittilä) is a Finnish writer, being a former journalist turned comic novelist. One of the most successful novelists of Finland, he has won a broad readership outside of Finland in a way few other Finnish authors have before. Translated into 27 languages, over seven million copies of his books have been sold worldwide, and he has been claimed as "instrumental in generating the current level of interest in books from Finland".
Arto Paasilinna was born on 20 April 1942 in the Alakylä[citation needed] part of the municipality of Kittilä, in Lapland, Finland. His parents were Väinö Paasilinna (1902–1950, born Gullstén, changed his surname in 1934 after a family conflict) and Hilda-Maria Paasilinna (1908–1983, born Niva). The Paasilinnas had seven children, five sons and two daughters, including the writer Erno Paasilinna; the author, MEP and TV personality Reino Paasilinna; the painter Sirpa Paasilinna-Schlagenwarth; and the writer Mauri Paasilinna.

In 2008 and 2009 while still living in Espoo, Paasilinna was featured in Finnish tabloids for his incoherent behaviour, including reckless driving. In October 2009 he was rushed to a hospital due to a stroke. In April 2010 he was moved to a convalescent home for recovery, and his son named as his treasurer.