Barbara Yung


Is Barbara Yung Dead or Still Alive? Barbara Yung Birthday and Date of Death

Barbara Yung

Barbara Yung Death

Barbara passed away on May 14, 1985 at the age of 26. Barbara's cause of death was suicide by gas.

Barbara Yung death quick facts:
  • When did Barbara Yung die?

    May 14, 1985
  • How did Barbara Yung die? What was the cause of death?

    Suicide by gas
  • How old was Barbara Yung when died?


Barbara Yung Birthday and Date of Death

Barbara Yung was born on May 7, 1959 and died on May 14, 1985. Barbara was 26 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 7, 1959
Date of Death: May 14, 1985
Age at Death: 26

Barbara Yung - Biography

Barbara Yung (May 7, 1959-May 14, 1985) was a TV actress in Hong Kong. In 1982, Yung made her debut in a Cantonese swordplay drama series-The Legend of the Unknowns and took the limelight. Yung reached her career prime in 1983 when she starred the TVB's swordplay series The Legend of the Condor Heroes, a drama based on a famous martial arts novel by Louis Cha. With a sweet face and stunning acting skills, she portrayed the leading character Wong Yung vividly and she herself became a sensation in Asia in the 1980's. The classic role of Wong Yung earned her the nickname "Yunger Forever" by countless fans.Her career came to a sudden stop on May 14, 1985, when she killed herself using gas. The suspected reason for her committing suicide was the end of her relationship with the then TVB actor Ken Tong, who has been condemned for more than 20 years.