Benno Besson


Is Benno Besson Dead or Still Alive? Benno Besson Birthday and Date of Death

Benno Besson

Benno Besson Death

Benno passed away on February 23, 2006 at the age of 83.

Benno Besson death quick facts:
  • When did Benno Besson die?

    February 23, 2006
  • How old was Benno Besson when died?


Benno Besson Birthday and Date of Death

Benno Besson was born on November 4, 1922 and died on February 23, 2006. Benno was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 4, 1922
Date of Death: February 23, 2006
Age at Death: 83

Benno Besson - Biography

Benno Besson (born René-Benjamin Besson; 4 November 1922 in Yverdon-les-Bains; died 23 February 2006 in Berlin, Germany) was a Swiss actor and director. He had great success as director at Volksbühne Berlin, Deutsches Theater and Berliner Ensemble in East-Berlin, where he went by an invitation of Bertolt Brecht in 1949. Some of his acquainted stagings were "The Dragon" by Jewgenij Schwarz, so that he travelled with Deutsches Theater all-around Europe and Asia (also in Japan), and "Der Frieden" (Aristophanes edited by Peter Hacks). He became the Intendant at Volksbühne in the 1960s and worked often with Heiner Müller. In his plays, he worked amongst others with the popular actors Fred Düren, Eberhard Esche and Ursula Karusseit.