Carsten Byhring Death
Carsten passed away on April 6, 1990 at the age of 71 in Oslo, Norway. Carsten's cause of death was cancer.
Carsten Byhring death quick facts:
When did Carsten Byhring die?
April 6, 1990How did Carsten Byhring die? What was the cause of death?
CancerHow old was Carsten Byhring when died?
71Where did Carsten Byhring die? What was the location of death?
Oslo, Norway
Carsten Byhring Birthday and Date of Death
Carsten Byhring was born on December 8, 1918 and died on April 6, 1990. Carsten was 71 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 8, 1918
Date of Death: April 6, 1990
Age at Death: 71
Carsten Byhring - Biography
Carsten Byhring (8 December 1918 – 6 April 1990) was a Norwegian actor. Probably best known for playing Kjell in the Olsenbanden-movies. He is the brother of actor Svein Byhring.