Cassandra Waldon


Is Cassandra Waldon Dead or Still Alive? Cassandra Waldon Birthday and Date of Death

Cassandra Waldon

Cassandra Waldon Death

Cassandra passed away on September 25, 2019 at the age of 56 in Rome, Italy. Cassandra's cause of death was car accident.

Cassandra Waldon death quick facts:
  • When did Cassandra Waldon die?

    September 25, 2019
  • How did Cassandra Waldon die? What was the cause of death?

    Car accident
  • How old was Cassandra Waldon when died?

  • Where did Cassandra Waldon die? What was the location of death?

    Rome, Italy

Cassandra Waldon Birthday and Date of Death

Cassandra Waldon was born on October 17, 1962 and died on September 25, 2019. Cassandra was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 17, 1962
Date of Death: September 25, 2019
Age at Death: 56

Cassandra Waldon - Biography

Cassandra Waldon is an American reality TV who was born on October 17, 1962.
Waldon worked at the United Nations in Rome but is perhaps best known as the first resident to enter a “Big Brother” house in the U.S. when the show debuted in 2000. The series’ longtime host, Julie Chen, paid tribute to the late houseguest on Instagram.

She worked at the UN as its director of communications for the International Fund for Agricultural Development, and was living and working in Rome at the time of death.A memorial service is planned in her home state of Maryland for next weekend. There was no information available on survivors.