Charles Eames


Is Charles Eames Dead or Still Alive? Charles Eames Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Eames

Charles Eames Death

Charles passed away on August 21, 1978 at the age of 71.

Charles Eames death quick facts:
  • When did Charles Eames die?

    August 21, 1978
  • How old was Charles Eames when died?


Charles Eames Birthday and Date of Death

Charles Eames was born on June 17, 1907 and died on August 21, 1978. Charles was 71 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 17, 1907
Date of Death: August 21, 1978
Age at Death: 71

Charles Eames - Biography

Charles Ormond Eames, Jr (1907–1978) and Bernice Alexandra "Ray" (née Kaiser) Eames (1912–1988) /ˈiːmz/ were American designers who worked in and made major contributions to modern architecture and furniture. They also worked in the fields of industrial and graphic design, fine art and film.