Christian Eyenga


Is Christian Eyenga Dead or Still Alive? Christian Eyenga Birthday and Age

Christian Eyenga

How Old Is Christian Eyenga? Christian Eyenga Birthday

Christian Eyenga was born on June 22, 1989 and is 35 years old now.

Birthday: June 22, 1989
How Old - Age: 35

Christian Eyenga Death Fact Check

Christian is alive and kicking and is currently 35 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Christian Eyenga - Biography

Christian Eyenga Moenge (born June 22, 1989) is a Congolese professional basketball player for Auxilium CUS Torino of the Lega Basket Serie A. In June 2009, Eyenga was drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers with the 30th pick in that year's NBA Draft. When drafted, he played for the Spanish Third Division club Prat, an affiliate of the ACB club DKV Joventut.