Clara Campoamor


Is Clara Campoamor Dead or Still Alive? Clara Campoamor Birthday and Date of Death

Clara Campoamor

Clara Campoamor Death

Clara passed away on April 30, 1972 at the age of 84 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Clara Campoamor death quick facts:
  • When did Clara Campoamor die?

    April 30, 1972
  • How old was Clara Campoamor when died?

  • Where did Clara Campoamor die? What was the location of death?

    Lausanne, Switzerland

Clara Campoamor Birthday and Date of Death

Clara Campoamor was born on February 12, 1888 and died on April 30, 1972. Clara was 84 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 12, 1888
Date of Death: April 30, 1972
Age at Death: 84

Is Clara Campoamor's father, Manuel Campoamor Martínez, dead or alive?

Manuel Campoamor Martínez's information is not available now.

Clara Campoamor - Biography

Clara Campoamor was a Spanish politician and feminist best known for her advocacy for women's rights and suffrage during the writing of the Spanish constitution of 1931. A child of a working-class family, Campoamor began work as a seamstress at age 13, later working in a number of government positions before securing entry to law school at the University of Madrid. She became active in a number of women's organizations before standing for election as a member of the 1931 Constituent Assembly, to which she and two other women were elected despite that Spanish women could not vote at the time. Her advocacy led to the inclusion of language in the 1931 constitution of Spain that guaranteed equality between men and women. She later lost her parliamentary seat and briefly served as a government minister before fleeing the country during the Spanish Civil War. Campoamor died in exile in Switzerland.