Frances Farmer


Is Frances Farmer Dead or Still Alive? Frances Farmer Birthday and Date of Death

Frances Farmer

Frances Farmer Death

Frances passed away on August 1, 1970 at the age of 56 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Frances's cause of death was throat cancer.

Frances Farmer death quick facts:
  • When did Frances Farmer die?

    August 1, 1970
  • How did Frances Farmer die? What was the cause of death?

    Throat cancer
  • How old was Frances Farmer when died?

  • Where did Frances Farmer die? What was the location of death?

    Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Frances Farmer Birthday and Date of Death

Frances Farmer was born on September 19, 1913 and died on August 1, 1970. Frances was 56 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 19, 1913
Date of Death: August 1, 1970
Age at Death: 56

Is Frances Farmer's father, Ernest Melvin Farmer, dead or alive?

Ernest Melvin Farmer's information is not available now.

Is Frances Farmer's mother, Lillian Van Ornum Farmer, dead or alive?

Lillian Van Ornum Farmer's information is not available now.

Frances Farmer - Biography

Frances Elena Farmer was an American actress and television host. She is perhaps better known for sensationalized accounts of her life, especially her involuntary commitment to a mental hospital. Farmer began her career as a stage actress, performing stock theater in New York and later appearing on Broadway. She made her film debut in Too Many Parents, and was subsequently featured in a starring role in the musical western, Rhythm on the Range opposite Bing Crosby, and The Toast of New York (1937) with Cary Grant.