Frank Ripploh


Is Frank Ripploh Dead or Still Alive? Frank Ripploh Birthday and Date of Death

Frank Ripploh

Frank Ripploh Death

Frank passed away on June 24, 2002 at the age of 52.

Frank Ripploh death quick facts:
  • When did Frank Ripploh die?

    June 24, 2002
  • How old was Frank Ripploh when died?


Frank Ripploh Birthday and Date of Death

Frank Ripploh was born on September 2, 1949 and died on June 24, 2002. Frank was 52 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 2, 1949
Date of Death: June 24, 2002
Age at Death: 52

Frank Ripploh - Biography

Frank Ripploh (September 2, 1949 – June 22, 2002) was a German actor, film director, and author. He is best remembered for his semi-autobiographical 1980 film Taxi zum Klo. The film, produced on a shoestring budget of 100,000 DM, explored the day-to-day life of a Berlin schoolteacher who also led a very active gay sex life. Extremely explicit for its day, and for some time afterward (to the point where the film was not passed uncut by the British Board of Film Classification until 2011), Taxi zum Klo was considered groundbreaking for the subject matter it portrayed, and achieved something of a cult status among gay audiences of the time. In 1987, Ripploh directed a sequel entitled Taxi nach Kairo, but the film was not considered as successful as its predecessor, and it was not released outside of Germany.