Franz Josef Strauß


Is Franz Josef Strauß Dead or Still Alive? Franz Josef Strauß Birthday and Date of Death

Franz Josef Strauß

Franz Josef Strauß Death

Franz Josef Strauß passed away on October 3, 1988 at the age of 73.

Franz Josef Strauß death quick facts:
  • When did Franz Josef Strauß die?

    October 3, 1988
  • How old was Franz Josef Strauß when died?


Franz Josef Strauß Birthday and Date of Death

Franz Josef Strauß was born on September 6, 1915 and died on October 3, 1988. Franz Josef Strauß was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 6, 1915
Date of Death: October 3, 1988
Age at Death: 73

Franz Josef Strauß - Biography

Franz Josef Strauss (German: Franz Josef Strauß, 6 September 1915 – 3 October 1988) was a German politician. He was the chairman of the Christian Social Union, member of the federal cabinet in different positions and long-time minister-president of the state of Bavaria.