Horst Buchholz


Is Horst Buchholz Dead or Still Alive? Horst Buchholz Birthday and Date of Death

Horst Buchholz

Horst Buchholz Death

Horst passed away on March 3, 2003 at the age of 69 in Berlin, Germany. Horst's cause of death was pneumonia.

Horst Buchholz death quick facts:
  • When did Horst Buchholz die?

    March 3, 2003
  • How did Horst Buchholz die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Horst Buchholz when died?

  • Where did Horst Buchholz die? What was the location of death?

    Berlin, Germany

Horst Buchholz Birthday and Date of Death

Horst Buchholz was born on December 4, 1933 and died on March 3, 2003. Horst was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 4, 1933
Date of Death: March 3, 2003
Age at Death: 69

Horst Buchholz - Biography

Horst Werner Buchholz (4 December 1933 – 3 March 2003) was a German actor, best known in English-speaking countries for his roles in The Magnificent Seven, in which he played Chico, Fanny, and the Billy Wilder comedy One, Two, Three. Worldwide, from 1951 to 2002, he appeared in more than sixty feature films. During his youth he was sometimes called "the German James Dean".
In 1958, Buchholz married French actress Myriam Bru and they had two children: Christophe, an actor, and daughter Beatrice.

Usually reticent about his private life, in a 2000 interview in the German magazine Bunte, Buchholz publicly stated "Yes, I also love men. Ultimately, I'm bisexual...I have always lived my life the way I wanted." He explained that he and his wife of nearly 42 years had a stable and enduring arrangement, with her life centered in Paris and his in Berlin, the city that he loved. Their son Christopher Buchholz, also an actor and the producer of the feature-length documentary Horst Buchholz...Mein Papa (2005), has publicly acknowledged his father's bisexuality.
Buchholz died unexpectedly at the age of sixty-nine in the Berlin Charité from pneumonia that developed after an operation for a hip fracture. Berlin was the city to which his loyalty was constant, and he was buried there in the Friedhof Heerstraße.