João do Amaral Gurgel


Is João do Amaral Gurgel Dead or Still Alive? João do Amaral Gurgel Birthday and Date of Death

João do Amaral Gurgel

João do Amaral Gurgel Death

João passed away in 2009 at the age of 82 in Sao Paulo City, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

João do Amaral Gurgel death quick facts:
  • When did João do Amaral Gurgel die?

  • How old was João do Amaral Gurgel when died?

  • Where did João do Amaral Gurgel die? What was the location of death?

    Sao Paulo City, Sao Paulo, Brazil

João do Amaral Gurgel Birthday and Date of Death

João do Amaral Gurgel was born on March 26, 1926 and died in 2009. João was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 26, 1926
Date of Death: 2009
Age at Death: 82

João do Amaral Gurgel - Biography

João Augusto Conrado do Amaral Gurgel (1926–2009) was a Brazilian businessman. In 1969, he decided to start a very small factory, producing small cars. Early models were fiberglass bodies installed on Volkswagen Beetle (fusca) chassis and machinery. Gurgel introduced Brazil's first domestically designed car, the BR-800, but went out of business in the 1990s. João do Amaral Gurgel was known as João Gurgel. He was the founder of Gurgel. His complete name was João Augusto Conrado do Amaral Gurgel(3).