John Drew Barrymore


Is John Drew Barrymore Dead or Still Alive? John Drew Barrymore Birthday and Date of Death

John Drew Barrymore

John Drew Barrymore Death

John passed away on November 29, 2004 at the age of 72 in Los Angeles, CA. John's cause of death was cancer.

John Drew Barrymore death quick facts:
  • When did John Drew Barrymore die?

    November 29, 2004
  • How did John Drew Barrymore die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was John Drew Barrymore when died?

  • Where did John Drew Barrymore die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, CA

John Drew Barrymore Birthday and Date of Death

John Drew Barrymore was born on June 4, 1932 and died on November 29, 2004. John was 72 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 4, 1932
Date of Death: November 29, 2004
Age at Death: 72

Is John Drew Barrymore's father, John Barrymore, dead or alive?

John Drew Barrymore's father, John Barrymore, died on May 29, 1942 as he was 60 years old. His cause of death was cirrhosis.

Is John Drew Barrymore's mother, Dolores Costello, dead or alive?

John Drew Barrymore's mother, Dolores Costello, died on March 1, 1979 as she was 75 years old. Her cause of death was emphysema.

John Drew Barrymore's sister :

  • John Drew Barrymore's sister, Diana Barrymore, died on January 25, 1960 as he was 38 years old. His cause of death was barbiturate overdose (due to a fatal mixture of alcohol and sleeping pills).

John Drew Barrymore - Biography

John Drew Barrymore was a film actor and member of the Barrymore family of actors, which included his father, John Barrymore, and his father's siblings, Lionel and Ethel. He was the father of four children, including John Blyth Barrymore and actress Drew Barrymore. Diana Barrymore was his half-sister from his father's second marriage.