Kate Charleson


Is Kate Charleson Dead or Still Alive? Kate Charleson Birthday and Date of Death

Kate Charleson

Kate Charleson Death

Kate passed away on October 12, 1996 at the age of 43. Kate's cause of death was Suicide.

Kate Charleson death quick facts:
  • When did Kate Charleson die?

    October 12, 1996
  • How did Kate Charleson die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Kate Charleson when died?


Kate Charleson Birthday and Date of Death

Kate Charleson was born on January 7, 1953 and died on October 12, 1996. Kate was 43 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 7, 1953
Date of Death: October 12, 1996
Age at Death: 43

Kate Charleson's sister :

  • Kate Charleson's sister, Leslie Charleson, is still alive and kicking at the age of 79. She is American and has had a career as an actress.

Kate Charleson - Biography

Kate Charleson was born on January 7, 1953. She was an actress, known for Terms of Endearment (1983), Dreamscape (1984) and Riptide (1984). She died on October 12, 1996 in the USA.
When actress Kate Charleson made her onscreen debut in 1983's Terms of Endearment, her youthful appearance and knack for subtle characterization made her a perfect fit to play Jeff Daniels' grad student protégée/mistress Janice.

Few would have guessed that Charleson was 30 years old when she took on the role, but that fresh face would show up again in the coming years, appearing in 1984's Dreamscape and 1988's My First Love. Tragically, Charleson committed suicide in 1996.