Paul Ivano


Is Paul Ivano Dead or Still Alive? Paul Ivano Birthday and Date of Death

Paul Ivano

Paul Ivano Death

Paul Ivano passed away on April 9, 1984 at the age of 83.

Paul Ivano death quick facts:
  • When did Paul Ivano die?

    April 9, 1984
  • How old was Paul Ivano when died?


Paul Ivano Birthday and Date of Death

Paul Ivano was born on May 13, 1900 and died on April 9, 1984. Paul Ivano was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 13, 1900
Date of Death: April 9, 1984
Age at Death: 83

Paul Ivano - Biography

Paul Ivano, A.S.C. (1900–1984), was a French cinematographer whose career stretched from 1920 into the late 1960s. He began in 1918 as a photographer with the U.S. Army in his native France. In 1947 he was the cameraman who made the first aerial helicopter shots for an American feature film in Nicholas Ray's film noir They Live by Night.