Paula Deen


Is Paula Deen Dead or Still Alive? Paula Deen Birthday and Age

Paula Deen

How Old Is Paula Deen? Paula Deen Birthday

Paula Deen was born on January 20, 1947 and is 78 years old now.

Birthday: January 20, 1947
How Old - Age: 78

Paula Deen Death Fact Check

Paula is alive and kicking and is currently 78 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
If you have any unfortunate news that this page should be update with, please let us know using this form.

Is Paula Deen's father, Earl Wayne Hiers Sr., dead or alive?

Earl Wayne Hiers Sr.'s information is not available now.

Is Paula Deen's mother, Corrie A. Paul, dead or alive?

Corrie A. Paul's information is not available now.

Paula Deen's brother :

  • Earl Wayne Hiers Jr

Paula Deen - Biography

Paula Ann Hiers Deen is an American celebrity chef and cooking show television host. Deen resides in Savannah, Georgia, where she owns and operates The Lady & Sons restaurant with her sons, Jamie and Bobby Deen. She has published fourteen cookbooks. Though married in 2004 to Michael Groover, she uses the surname Deen, from her first marriage.