Sadaaki Akamatsu


Is Sadaaki Akamatsu Dead or Still Alive? Sadaaki Akamatsu Birthday and Date of Death

Sadaaki Akamatsu

Sadaaki Akamatsu Death

Sadaaki passed away on February 22, 1980 at the age of 69 in Kochi, Japan.

Sadaaki Akamatsu death quick facts:
  • When did Sadaaki Akamatsu die?

    February 22, 1980
  • How old was Sadaaki Akamatsu when died?

  • Where did Sadaaki Akamatsu die? What was the location of death?

    Kochi, Japan

Sadaaki Akamatsu Birthday and Date of Death

Sadaaki Akamatsu was born on July 1, 1910 and died on February 22, 1980. Sadaaki was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 1, 1910
Date of Death: February 22, 1980
Age at Death: 69

Sadaaki Akamatsu - Biography

Sadaaki Akamatsu (赤松 貞明, Akamatsu Sadaaki, 30 July 1910 – 22 February 1980) was an officer and ace fighter pilot in the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) during the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific theater of World War II. In aerial combat over China and the Pacific, he was officially credited with destroying 27 enemy aircraft.