Sonia Braga


Is Sonia Braga Dead or Still Alive? Sonia Braga Birthday and Age

Sonia Braga

How Old Is Sonia Braga? Sonia Braga Birthday

Sonia Braga was born on June 8, 1950 and is 74 years old now.

Birthday: June 8, 1950
How Old - Age: 74

Sonia Braga Death Fact Check

Sonia is alive and kicking and is currently 74 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Sonia Braga's father, Hélio Fernando Ferraz Braga, dead or alive?

Hélio Fernando Ferraz Braga's information is not available now.

Is Sonia Braga's mother, Maria Braga Jaci Campos, dead or alive?

Maria Braga Jaci Campos's information is not available now.

Sonia Braga's sister :

  • Sonia Braga's sister, Ana Maria Braga, is still alive and kicking at the age of 68. She is Brazilian and has had a career as an actress.

Sonia Braga - Biography

Sônia Maria Campos Braga is a Brazilian actress. Nominated for three Golden Globes and an Emmy Award, Braga is best known in the English-speaking world for her performances in Kiss of the Spider Woman, and Moon Over Parador. Her television credits include Sex and the City, Alias, American Family and The Cosby Show.
Sonia Braga Actress - Born in Maringa, Brazil, Sonia Braga acted on the stage as a teenager. She quickly rose to stardom on Brazilian soap operas during the '60s, but it was not until Bruno Barreto's Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands that she gained international screen stardom. She played the title character, a remarried widow who is prone to erotic visits from her first husband's ghost. She worked with Barreto again for the 1983 erotic drama Gabriela, based on one of her TV roles.

Her first mainstream Hollywood movie was Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985), in the dual role of the mythical title character herself and the woman of Raul Julia's past. She then appeared with Julia in her next few films, including Paul Mazursky's Moon Over Parador (earning her a Golden Globe nomination), Clint Eastwood's The Rookie, and John Frankenheimer's The Burning Season (earning her an Emmy nomination). She hasn't always played a sexpot, however; she was firey garage owner Ruby in Robert Redford's The Milagro Beanfield War as well as the math teacher known as "the Dragon Lady" on The Cosby Show. After living in the U.S. for some time, she returned to Brazil in 1996 to star in the romantic comedy Tieta of Agreste, which she also co-produced.
The role of Tieta was a self-reflexive one, that of a mature beautiful woman returning to Brazil after several years away. In the late '90s, she worked on the miniseries Streets of Laredo, A Will of Their Own, and Four Corners. In 2001 she joined the cast of Gregory Nava's PBS series American Family as matriarch Berta. She can also be seen as Jennifer Lopez's mother in Angel Eyes and as Kim Cattrall's lover Maria on Sex and the City.