How Old Is Susan Blanchard? Susan Blanchard Birthday
Susan Blanchard was born on March 8, 1928 and is 96 years old now.
Birthday: March 8, 1928
How Old - Age: 96
Susan Blanchard Death Fact Check
Susan is alive and kicking and is currently 96 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Is Susan Blanchard's father, Henry Jacobson, dead or alive?
Henry Jacobson's information is not available now.
Is Susan Blanchard's mother, Dorothy Kiaora Blanchard, dead or alive?
Dorothy Kiaora Blanchard's information is not available now.
Susan Blanchard's sister :
- Alice Hammerstein
Susan Blanchard's brothers :
Susan has 3 brothers:- Henry Samuel Jacobson
- James Blanchard Hammerstein
Susan Blanchard's brother, William Hammerstein, died on March 9, 2001 as he was 82 years old. His cause of death was stroke.
Susan Blanchard - Biography
Susan Blanchard is an American socialite and former lyricist and theatrical producer. She was the third wife of actor Henry Fonda, with whom she adopted a daughter, Amy, and the second wife of actor Richard Widmark.