Taylor Hawkins


Is Taylor Hawkins Dead or Still Alive? Taylor Hawkins Birthday and Date of Death

Taylor Hawkins

Taylor Hawkins Death

Taylor passed away on March 25, 2022 at the age of 50 in Four Seasons Hotel Casa Medina Bogota, Bogotá, Colombia.

Taylor Hawkins death quick facts:
  • When did Taylor Hawkins die?

    March 25, 2022
  • How old was Taylor Hawkins when died?

  • Where did Taylor Hawkins die? What was the location of death?

    Four Seasons Hotel Casa Medina Bogota, Bogotá, Colombia

Taylor Hawkins Birthday and Date of Death

Taylor Hawkins was born on February 17, 1972 and died on March 25, 2022. Taylor was 50 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 17, 1972
Date of Death: March 25, 2022
Age at Death: 50

Is Taylor Hawkins's father, Gerald Hawkins, dead or alive?

Gerald Hawkins's information is not available now.

Taylor Hawkins's brother :

  • Jason Hawkins

Taylor Hawkins's pets, dead or alive?

  • Little A (cat)
  • Floyd (cat)

Taylor Hawkins - Biography

Oliver Taylor Hawkins (born February 17, 1972) is an American musician, best known as the drummer of the rock band Foo Fighters. Prior to joining the band in 1997, he was the touring drummer for Alanis Morissette on her Jagged Little Pill and Can't Not Tour, as well as the drummer in a progressive experimental band called Sylvia. His cousin, Kevin Harrell, introduced him to Dave Grohl after camping with him for several weeks in the Ozarks. Hawkins would eventually become the drummer for Grohl's band, Foo Fighters. He was voted "Best Rock Drummer" in 2005 by the UK drumming magazine Rhythm.