Tom Tully


Is Tom Tully Dead or Still Alive? Tom Tully Birthday and Date of Death

Tom Tully

Tom Tully Death

Thomas passed away on April 27, 1982 at the age of 73 in Newport Beach, California, USA. Thomas's cause of death was cancer.

Tom Tully death quick facts:
  • When did Tom Tully die?

    April 27, 1982
  • How did Tom Tully die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Tom Tully when died?

  • Where did Tom Tully die? What was the location of death?

    Newport Beach, California, USA

Tom Tully Birthday and Date of Death

Tom Tully was born on August 21, 1908 and died on April 27, 1982. Thomas was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 21, 1908
Date of Death: April 27, 1982
Age at Death: 73

Tom Tully - Biography

While in Vietnam entertaining troops with Bob Hope and others with the USO, Thomas Tully protracted a filarial worm, similar to the worm that causes elephantiasis. After returning to the U.S. his condition was diagnosed after a blood clot in a major vein in his leg cut off circulation and his leg was amputated very close to the hip. This was circa 1971. The amputation was performed in Laguna Beach, California close to his home in San Juan Capistrano. Complications to this surgery caused pleuritis, deafness and serious debilitation. His death was due, in great part, to these serious medical conditions. He should be remembered as a patriot who sacrificed his life to entertain our troops in Vietnam.