Tomáš Plekanec


Is Tomáš Plekanec Dead or Still Alive? Tomáš Plekanec Birthday and Age

Tomáš Plekanec

How Old Is Tomáš Plekanec? Tomáš Plekanec Birthday

Tomáš Plekanec was born on October 31, 1982 and is 42 years old now.

Birthday: October 31, 1982
How Old - Age: 42

Tomáš Plekanec Death Fact Check

Tomáš is alive and kicking and is currently 42 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Tomáš Plekanec - Biography

Tomas Plekanec (born October 31, 1982) is a Czech professional ice hockey centre currently playing for, and an alternate captain of, the Montreal Canadiens of the National Hockey League (NHL). After beginning his career with HC Kladno of the Czech Extraliga, he was selected 71st overall by the Canadiens in the 2001 NHL Entry Draft. Moving to North America in 2002, he played three seasons for the Canadiens' American Hockey League (AHL) affiliate, the Hamilton Bulldogs, before joining the NHL club full-time for the 2005-06 NHL Season .