Virginia Bushman


Is Virginia Bushman Dead or Still Alive? Virginia Bushman Birthday and Date of Death

Virginia Bushman

Virginia Bushman Death

Virginia passed away on July 14, 2001 at the age of 94 in Banning, California.

Virginia Bushman death quick facts:
  • When did Virginia Bushman die?

    July 14, 2001
  • How old was Virginia Bushman when died?

  • Where did Virginia Bushman die? What was the location of death?

    Banning, California

Virginia Bushman Birthday and Date of Death

Virginia Bushman was born on August 9, 1906 and died on July 14, 2001. Virginia was 94 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 9, 1906
Date of Death: July 14, 2001
Age at Death: 94

Is Virginia Bushman's father, Francis X. Bushman, dead or alive?

Francis X. Bushman's information is not available now.

Is Virginia Bushman's mother, Josephine Fladine Duval, dead or alive?

Josephine Fladine Duval's information is not available now.

Virginia Bushman's sisters :

Virginia has 2 sisters:
  • Virginia Bushman's sister, Lenore Bushman, died on November 15, 1988 as he was 75 years old.

  • Josephine Bushman

Virginia Bushman's brothers :

Virginia has 2 brothers:
  • Virginia Bushman's brother, Ralph Bushman, died on April 16, 1978 as he was 74 years old. His cause of death was heart attack.

  • Bruce Bushman

Virginia Bushman - Biography

v*rginia Bushman was born on August 9, 1906 in Baltimore, Maryland. She was an actress, known for Playing the Swell, The Road to Mandalay and The Cradle Snatchers. She was married to Peter Stuart and Jack Conway. She died on July 14, 2001 in Banning, California.Daughter of Francis X. Bushman.Sister of Ralph Bushman, Bruce Bushman, Lenore Bushman and Josephine Bushman.Aunt of Barbara Bushman.Stepmother of Rosemary Foster.Mother of Pat Conway.