Whitney Bourne


Is Whitney Bourne Dead or Still Alive? Whitney Bourne Birthday and Date of Death

Whitney Bourne

Whitney Bourne Death

Whitney passed away on December 30, 1988 at the age of 74 in Boston, Masschusets.

Whitney Bourne death quick facts:
  • When did Whitney Bourne die?

    December 30, 1988
  • How old was Whitney Bourne when died?

  • Where did Whitney Bourne die? What was the location of death?

    Boston, Masschusets

Whitney Bourne Birthday and Date of Death

Whitney Bourne was born on May 6, 1914 and died on December 30, 1988. Whitney was 74 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 6, 1914
Date of Death: December 30, 1988
Age at Death: 74

Whitney Bourne - Biography

Whitney Bourne (1914–1988) was an American stage and film actress. She was a leading lady in several B films of the 1930s, with occasional appearances in more prestigious films such as the British musical Head over Heels.