Yoshinao Kodaira


Is Yoshinao Kodaira Dead or Still Alive? Yoshinao Kodaira Birthday and Date of Death

Yoshinao Kodaira

Yoshinao Kodaira Death

Yoshinao passed away in 2008 at the age of 90 in Japan.

Yoshinao Kodaira death quick facts:
  • When did Yoshinao Kodaira die?

  • How old was Yoshinao Kodaira when died?

  • Where did Yoshinao Kodaira die? What was the location of death?


Yoshinao Kodaira Birthday and Date of Death

Yoshinao Kodaira was born in 1918 and died in 2008. Yoshinao was 90 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1918
Date of Death: 2008
Age at Death: 90

Yoshinao Kodaira - Biography

Yoshinao Kodaira (小平 好直, Kodaira Yoshinao, 1918–2008) was an officer and ace fighter pilot in the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. Participating in many of the Pacific War battles and campaigns as a member of several units, including the fighter units of the aircraft carriers Shōkaku and Chiyoda, Kodaira was officially credited with destroying 13 enemy aircraft. After the war, he served with the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. In 2008, Tsubasa-kai ("Wings Association"), the veterans' organization of the JASDF, reported his death on its website.