Abraham Schalit


Is Abraham Schalit Dead or Still Alive? Abraham Schalit Birthday and Date of Death

Abraham Schalit

Abraham Schalit Death

Abraham passed away in 1979 at the age of 81 in Israel.

Abraham Schalit death quick facts:
  • When did Abraham Schalit die?

  • How old was Abraham Schalit when died?

  • Where did Abraham Schalit die? What was the location of death?


Abraham Schalit Birthday and Date of Death

Abraham Schalit was born in 1898 and died in 1979. Abraham was 81 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1898
Date of Death: 1979
Age at Death: 81

Abraham Schalit - Biography

Abraham Haim Schalit (Hebrew: אברהם שליט‎) (born 1898, died 1979) was an Israeli historian and a scholar of the Second Temple period.