Aleksander Bardini Death
Aleksander passed away on July 30, 1995 at the age of 81.
Aleksander Bardini death quick facts:
When did Aleksander Bardini die?
July 30, 1995How old was Aleksander Bardini when died?
Aleksander Bardini Birthday and Date of Death
Aleksander Bardini was born on November 17, 1913 and died on July 30, 1995. Aleksander was 81 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: November 17, 1913
Date of Death: July 30, 1995
Age at Death: 81
Aleksander Bardini - Biography
Jean-Pierre Denis (born 29 March 1946) is a French film director and screenwriter. He has directed seven films since 1980. His directorial debut Adrien's Story won the Caméra d'Or at the 1980 Cannes Film Festival. His film Field of Honor was entered into the 1987 Cannes Film Festival.