Alexandra Kollontai


Is Alexandra Kollontai Dead or Still Alive? Alexandra Kollontai Birthday and Date of Death

Alexandra Kollontai

Alexandra Kollontai Death

Alexandra passed away on March 9, 1952 at the age of 80 in Moscow, Russia. Alexandra's cause of death was natural causes.

Alexandra Kollontai death quick facts:
  • When did Alexandra Kollontai die?

    March 9, 1952
  • How did Alexandra Kollontai die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Alexandra Kollontai when died?

  • Where did Alexandra Kollontai die? What was the location of death?

    Moscow, Russia

Alexandra Kollontai Birthday and Date of Death

Alexandra Kollontai was born in 1872 and died on March 9, 1952. Alexandra was 80 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1872
Date of Death: March 9, 1952
Age at Death: 80

Is Alexandra Kollontai's father, General Mikhail Alekseevich, dead or alive?

General Mikhail Alekseevich's information is not available now.

Is Alexandra Kollontai's mother, Alexandra Androvna Masalina-Mravinskaia, dead or alive?

Alexandra Androvna Masalina-Mravinskaia's information is not available now.

Alexandra Kollontai - Biography

Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai was a Russian Communist revolutionary, first as a member of the Mensheviks, then from 1914 on as a Bolshevik. In 1923, Kollontai was appointed Soviet Ambassador to Norway, one of the first women to hold such a post.