Angela Browne


Is Angela Browne Dead or Still Alive? Angela Browne Birthday and Date of Death

Angela Browne

Angela Browne Death

Angela passed away on June 20, 2001 at the age of 63 in Esher, Surrey, England, UK.

Angela Browne death quick facts:
  • When did Angela Browne die?

    June 20, 2001
  • How old was Angela Browne when died?

  • Where did Angela Browne die? What was the location of death?

    Esher, Surrey, England, UK

Angela Browne Birthday and Date of Death

Angela Browne was born on June 14, 1938 and died on June 20, 2001. Angela was 63 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: June 14, 1938
Date of Death: June 20, 2001
Age at Death: 63

Angela Browne - Biography

Angela Browne was infatuated with cinema from early childhood, imagining herself acting the part of the heroine, during frequent visits to the pictures. Aged thirteen, she left her Catholic convent school to study at the Cone-Ripman Drama School in London. After four years, she earned herself a scholarship to RADA. She then joined repertory companies in Worthing, York and Scarborough, eventually making her West End debut as an uninhibited Swedish girl in the 1959 comedy, "The Marriage Go-Round", alongside John Clements and Kay Hammond. She was serious enough about her newly acquired craft to study the films of Ingmar Bergman, in order to appear as 'authentically Swedish' as possible. By 1960, after further theatrical success in both comedy and drama, Angela came to be regarded as one of the most promising up-and-coming actresses of the stage.A vivacious blonde of uncommon and exquisite beauty, Angela inevitably attracted the attention of television producers. After a few early bit parts, she co-starred with Patrick McGoohan as the titular "Girl in Pink Pajamas" in the Danger Man: The Girl in Pink Pajamas (1960) episode of the cult series, Danger Man (1960). She got on extremely well with McGoohan, who proved very supportive on the set. Years later, Angela jumped at the chance, when offered, to appear with him again in the aptly-titled The Prisoner: A Change of Mind (1967) episode of The Prisoner (1967). Her role as "No. 86", a mind-control specialist tasked with 'rehabilitating' "No. 6" (McGoohan) by means of pre-frontal lobotomy, has become the one for which she is best-remembered. In a later interview, Angela confessed that she never quite understood the intricacies of the plot and simply 'got on with it' by following an old axiom she had learned from Noël Coward: "learn your lines and don't bump into the furniture".Gainfully employed within Britain's ITV network, Angela had a recurring part in the crime series, Ghost Squad (1961), and made appearances in The Saint (1962) and The Avengers (1961). She was also the obligatory romantic interest in the Norman Wisdom farce, Press for Time (1966), a rare role in a feature film. Guesting on television, due to a less rigorous schedule than either films or the stage became, for several years, her preferred means of deriving a living from her profession. After her marriage to actor Francis Matthews (best known as the urbane lead of Paul Temple (1969)), Angela took a step back from performing to raise a family, in essence eschewing any possibility of stardom. By the early 1970's, she eased into character roles, turning up at auditions in deliberately un-glamorous attire, in order to snare more interesting assignments. While her screen appearances became fewer, she remained active on the stage in plays by Noël Coward, Henrik Ibsen and Alan Ayckbourn. She retired from acting, altogether, in 1990 and devoted her sadly few remaining years to her family and to charity work.