Angela Paton Death
Angela passed away on May 26, 2016 at the age of 86 in Oakland,CA. Angela's cause of death was heart attack.
Angela Paton death quick facts:
When did Angela Paton die?
May 26, 2016How did Angela Paton die? What was the cause of death?
Heart attackHow old was Angela Paton when died?
86Where did Angela Paton die? What was the location of death?
Angela Paton Birthday and Date of Death
Angela Paton was born on January 11, 1930 and died on May 26, 2016. Angela was 86 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 11, 1930
Date of Death: May 26, 2016
Age at Death: 86
Angela Paton - Biography
Angela Paton (born January 11, 1930) is an American theater, TV and film actress. She is known for her stage performances, and for her roles in comedy, drama and thriller films, such as Mrs. Lancaster in Groundhog Day (1993), Grandma in American Wedding (2003) and Mrs. Holmes in Lolita (1997).