Anthony Costello


Is Anthony Costello Dead or Still Alive? Anthony Costello Birthday and Date of Death

Anthony Costello

Anthony Costello Death

Anthony passed away on August 15, 1983 at the age of 45 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Anthony Costello death quick facts:
  • When did Anthony Costello die?

    August 15, 1983
  • How old was Anthony Costello when died?

  • Where did Anthony Costello die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Anthony Costello Birthday and Date of Death

Anthony Costello was born on February 16, 1938 and died on August 15, 1983. Anthony was 45 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 16, 1938
Date of Death: August 15, 1983
Age at Death: 45

Anthony Costello - Biography

Born in Andover, Massachusetts to Dorcas (nee Curley; 07 Jan 1915-12 Oct 1993) and Phillip Anthony Costello (07 Dec 1912-09 Jun 2000). He grew up in Andover with his brother Michael.
After he graduated in 1955 from Phillips Andover Academy, he went to the Rhode Island School of Design, the University of Florence in Italy, and then he attended Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where he received a master of fine arts degree.

Tony first tried painting for his artistic outlet, something he would continue off and on all his life. But he also loved theatre, and toured with the Cleveland Playhouse in 1961. He then appeared in Boston theatre and finally Broadway. He started in film and television and moved to Hollywood in 1963. In 1974, he started writing a story in which he could star when the story was produced. The story then became a mini-series and then a novel, and when he was finished there was no part for him. Some studio producers showed interest, but when he said that the deal came with him as scriptwriter, they turned him down. Bantam Books published the story as a novel in early 1982 under the title Jericho. The book is a love story set around the Great Depression, the union movement, and the struggle between bosses in a Massachusetts mill town in decline in the 1930s.
Costello died at his home after a long illness.